
How do I operate Pocketalk?

Pocketalk is very easy to use once you have the hang of it. On the Home screen, just choose your two languages (tap on language name to get a list of other languages to choose from). Once your two languages are chosen, then just use the two “talk buttons” or physical buttons just below. One person uses the button under their language and the other person uses the button under their language.
To operate, press and hold the button the entire time you are speaking. When finished, let go of the button and Pocketalk will provide the translation. Be sure to initially wait for the Pocketalk beep sound before speaking.

How do I access the 74 languages?

All 74 languages are on the device once connected to the internet!
One device. 74 languages. Bi-directional conversations.
There is no need to download individual language files at all.

Can Pocketalk Translate Long Sentences?

Pocketalk is designed for conversations. Speak the way you normally do, in full sentences, not statements. Pocketalk can handle up to 30 seconds of speaking per translation.

Can I Use Pocketalk Offline?

No. An internet connection is required using WiFi, mobile data, or a personal hotspot. That’s because Pocketalk relies on robust language engines and cutting-edge cloud technologies to carry out its highly accurate translations.

Can I See My Past Translations?

Yes, Pocketalk can store up to 10,000 translations. Simply scroll up and down the timeline to view past translations, and tap on the translations to have them read out again.

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